My husband and I recently had the pleasure of shooting with my dear friend Erin of Erin Jean Photography. I was ecstatic at the opportunity to have photos taken with this guy (get this! we have no pictures of just the two of us alone together on our wedding day!) and so contacted her immediately with all my big ideas. All Phil originally needed was some sort of husband/wife shot for his job ... and I ran with that! Turned it into a full blown gorgeous opportunity to get some romantic shots with my man. Lucky me.
Now be warned, there are a million pictures that I really love, so I posted all million of them. Sorry friends. But also, let me just tell you that this shoot really made us laugh a lot cause we were all sorts of awkward. I am used to having pictures taken alone but when you have to do a lovey dovey, make out with your guy shoot, well, it can be all sorts of strange origami-esque arm-wrapped-around-his-head-while-he-kisses-your-shoulder-and-you-look-wistfully-into-the-distance sort of stuff happening. You'll notice in the last shot that we exaggerated the intensity just a bit. ;) I think most of it looks sweet and natural but it's all due to Erin's magic hand and incredible eye.
Thank you Erin for our pictures! We are so in love with them. You are so amazing at what you do.

These are such gorgeous photos!