This is what Parker and I wore yesterday. I pulled out my sequin skirt again, something I received for Christmas and which works beautifully during the holiday season, but is gorgeous enough that I just had to make it work for mid-summer too.
I made a little swing by Besselli, one of GB's fancier boutiques, just to see what sorts of fantastic goodies I would find (there are always several that stop me in my tracks). I love to stop by our pricier spots every so often but not to shop, rather to find a little inspiration for my wardrobe. So often the sweet things I see online look so different in person, either much more spectacular or a little blah. You never know. Now I just don't have it in me to spend $299 on a dress ... just.can'! But I find that almost everything I see on these designer racks are reproduced and sold in the stores that my budget can handle (and knows all too well) - Target, Forever 21, and H&M for instance. So back to Besselli ... One of the first items that caught my eye was a leather vest, draped over a white blouse I believe. But this vest was incredible - soft, caramel, perfect. And then I remembered! I have a leather vest at home that would be perfect, not quite as fancy and swoon worthy, but still pretty great. And yes, I know that it's probably a sneak peak into fall but I as long as you're not in Tulsa, a little (p)leather ain't so bad in the summer. :)
So moral of this story - If you can't afford (or just won't pay) the designer prices, you can still use their looks as inspiration for an outfit that can be assembled for a much smaller price (or perhaps even at thrift!). 

{On me: blouse - T J Maxx, vest - Forever 21, skirt - J Crew, shoes - Target
On Parker: shirt - Target, pants - South Africa, shoes - Toms}
Today my boys were building another one of their sheet tents, making a house and then filling it with their favorite toys. Parker was deep in thought, mumbling all sorts of things about what he was doing. Finally, he announced to me that he would be living in this house with us until he turns 20, at which time he would sell this house (he'd put up a "for sale" sign, he said). Then he would go out for coffee and someone would "find" him. As I tried to process this he explained, "because that's where dad found you". :) Phil and I first met in a coffee shop and I suppose P things that's where he'll find his wife too. So cute. Best of luck with that my little man.
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xx Kirsty