Sunday, October 3, 2010

A Birthday Party!

Today we celebrated Elliot's 1st birthday with family and friends. It was such a blast! Lots of sweet memories made and moments captured.

Banana bread mix (turned into cupcakes) and meringues from Trader Joes. Martha Stewart's cream cheese frosting on the cupcakes. Yummy! Rock candy from World Market. 

Peanut butter and jelly and turkey and cheese mini bagels. 

Caramel and peanut butter apples.

This is how little E looked before the party started. Nice. 

But then the guests arrived and things got much better.

A long line of boys ... and we love boys!!!

It's cake time!

Elliot and Rodney are attacked by a tickle monster. 

And some photo booths pics, for those who dared...

Thank you everyone for coming, for your gifts, and for making this day so special!

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xx Kirsty

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