Crazy thing #1 that happened this week. I cut my hair off, spur of the moment. I've been craving a change for the new season and realized I needed it after seeing the state of my long, highlighted locks in one of my pictures. I'm having fun with the new look thus far. A much quicker curl too ... yahoo.
Crazy thing #2 - my little E decided to start ... CRAWLING! I'm speechless about it (my first crawler). All I can really say is that I'm so proud. Well done little E.
A sweet gift from a lovely lady and her little ballerina. Goodwill coffee mugs; the very best kind.
And a sneak peak at a gift from South Africa. Plates and bowls for the kids and humongous "dummies" (some call them pacifiers, yes) that are exactly as they were 20 something years ago when my sisters and I used to dangle them from our necks (so ultra cool, I know). I've often had a (horrifed) laugh about how the dummie was replaced with the candy cigarettes that Raschika and I puffed almost daily. We even had cigarette tins to hold them in ... Marilyn Monroe gracing the front. Wow. We've come a long way folks. But it's a hoot to remember.
And today I also have a wonderful selection of beautiful things to inspire you. As usual, there's lots of color and cute ideas for the kids.

An absolutely perfect room for 4. Maybe I'll try it one day.

Handmade birthday party hats. With another party around the corner (1st bday) and a theme in the works, I'm considering a handmade hat or 2. We'll see how energized I become.

A room for 2. Just love the wallpaper and those bed frames!

Toys looking good in a baby's room.

Someone I know has a thing for froggie plushies. This one's for her.
{1, 2, 3. me 4. Birch & Lily 5, 6, 7. Oh Dee Doh 8. Purl Bee}
Edit - My foreign friends. If you are indeed from a place that calls a dummie a dummie, then I apologize if I have butchered the spelling. I'm really not sure but after rereading, I'm wondering about it. So just in case... I think it might actually be a dummy, everyone. There.
You cut your hair! It looks gorgeous! I am sad for your long tresses, (I've been missing mine, at least a few more inches of them.)