Yesterday was an arts and crafts sort of day. We've been waiting and waiting for the grandparents to come home from South Africa, and the patience was wearing very thin at that moment. So we sat ourselves down for some structured distractions. I decorated a canvas with a song I have sung to each little man before every nap until they were almost 2 - "You are my sunshine" - after 2 it's just a big chat fest before naps. Anything to prolong the inevitable. It's a favorite in our home and the boys like to sing it to Elliot too ... sweet things. And I cut out loads of tiny petals for the boys to turn into a flower garden and Monty's randomly placed, overly glued masterpiece managed to resemble the leaves of fall, strewn about in all their glory (clever boy!). Parker worked hard to do exactly what I had asked and wanted to have further and more extensive details about my expectations. "Do you want me to do 5 flowers or 10 flowers?" "Do you want them to be red or yellow?" He's my little perfectionist.

Right next to the photographed bed is this old, old lamp whose shade I covered with a scarf. I'm using gorgeous clip on ear rings to keep it in place. Another opportunity to showcase a lovely sparkler.

On a bit of a side note, yet still related, these school desks are recent finds from
Goodwill, a really great alternative to the dining room table when I need them separated and then eventually, when we have homework. They were a steal at $3 a piece. (This was actually early in the morning, hence the jammies).

Update - grandparents are home with lots and lots of goodies! Can't wait to share. There are some really splendid surprises!
so creative, really pretty!!
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